What Happens if God Can Be Seen?

Varsha Tak Bhati
2 min readOct 21, 2020

Got any thoughts after reading the above title? Do you also come up with questions like that? It occurred to me all of a sudden when I was taking my Content Writing classes. Now you might be thinking why because we were asked to write something on any fictional situation and this what came to my mind, What Happens if God Can Be Seen? All that comes to my mind is, our life would be different and so the World.

Image credits: Behance.com

How everything would be

If God happened to be seen, we could ask them everything. Situations would have been different from what it is now. Our World could have been saved from many unforeseen disasters and many other misfortunes. People would have been more resourceful at finding ways of dealing with problems or to avoid such problems if possible. Many mysteries could have been solved, such as how Universe was formed (big bang theory), about the afterlife (so many conceptions about it), etc.

What Would be Ways to Worship

Obviously, we could offer them offerings in person. Here one thing comes to my mind, do we need a priest if a situation like this happens? do not know, maybe yes or maybe no. We can ask them where we are wrong and where we are right (and what not actually).

How we can meet God

If there would an intermediate or we can meet directly from God if they can be seen. Like we need a priest to do any kind of rituals in the temple, as they know all about it, so here also do we need someone like that? or at what time, the place we can see them? will they meet us directly or send someone? will there be any specific month or any date of each month or yearly or on specific years? phew!! that's so much to answer, my mind got boggled.

Image credits: Medium.com

Back to reality

Whenever such a situation comes to mind, many questions start occurring but the reality is we can see them but only through the eyes of ancient mythologies and literature. If God does not exist, life is ultimately meaningless. Who we are or whatever we do will make no sense, every bit any person do to make human life better, all this will come to nothing.

Vedanta says one of the proofs of God’s existence is the law of karma. Adi Sankara says fruits of labour are administered through a watchful agent, a supreme being, who is Ishvara



Varsha Tak Bhati

Hi there all readers! This is Varsha Tak Bhati. I’m new to blogging but writing. I’ll surely keep bringing interested topics to always keep you engaged.